
GScroll is a lightweight javascript tool to trigger a function when you scroll to a DOM.

A Project By GAMO

Demo Github

	$ npm install g-scroll --save

	or with CDN

Setup with these properties.

	selector: '.element',           // Class name for trigger
	offset: 10,                     // Offset point for trigger
	delay: 0.5,                     // Time delay before call action
	action: function(selector) {

		// this function will trigger when DOM in viewpoit
		// (selector) is current DOM in viewpoit
		// can use (selector) make a great thing with your favorite lib.


	// Set up properties
	var dataScroll = [
	    selector: '.element1',
	    offset: 10,
	    delay: 0.5,
	    action: function(selector) {
	      TweenMax.from(selector, 0.3, { y:100, opacity: 0 });
	    selector: '.element2',
	    offset: 10,
	    delay: 0.5,
	    action: function(selector) {
	      alert('Trigger me');

	// Use